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  1. AntonioE1778 (Reply) on Thursday 14 January, 2010 at 03:24

    Didn’t know you would give Avatar such a glowing review! I, too, loved the score. Great review!

  2. Ben (Reply) on Tuesday 19 January, 2010 at 01:49

    I am amazed that James gave “Sherlock Holmes” a positive review – I was sure that he would give it a zero rating or one star at the most…

    Considering the anachronistic instrumentation and referencing/ripping-off of other scores and general lack of subtlety or complexity, I am very surprised that James didn’t eviscerate it.

    My own personal opinion is that “Sherlock Holmes” represents all that is wrong with Zimmer’s music and his dominance in the industry – it’s a loud and intrusive presence within the film itself, and outside of that context it never rises above being a very simple, derivative pastiche.