Latest reviews of new albums:
Red 2
  • Composed by Alan Silvestri
  • La-La Land Records / 2013 / 59m

Bruce Willis and friends are back in the action/comedy sequel Red 2, directed by Galaxy Quest‘s Dean Parisot, with Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta-Jones amongst the new faces this time.
Action veteran Alan Silvestri has taken over scoring duties for the sequel, taking over the reigns from Christophe Beck.  Silvestri seems to have adopted a patter of scoring one big action movie a year, fitting in one or two smaller projects around them, but is no longer the prolific voice in film scoring that he once was; he’s always done action so well, it’s nice to see him still getting to take on these projects.  Of course, Alan Silvestri and electronics do not mix under any circumstances, so it’s a good job that a film like Red 2 would allow him to focus on his strength, the orchestra, with some old-school thrills.  Well, that’s the theory; in practice the orchestra is largely drowned out by synth pads and drum loops that sound like they’ve just been woken up from a thirty-year coma.

The orchestral base is solid enough – the familiar Silvestri action devices are all there – but suffers from the lack of any particularly memorable thematic material.  He does use the same little motifs throughout the score, but none sticks in the memory.  The closest the score comes to representing the composer at his best is the exciting “Paris Chase” – it’s nothing original, but it’s a refreshing break from the somewhat somnambulant music around it.  “To Moscow” is pretty decent too – at times it seems very slow paced, but then a sudden burst of energy appears from somewhere.  “London Chase” is the other decent piece of action, dragged down a bit by the synths but still pretty exciting.  My favourite parts of the score are the lighter moments – “Han”, “Dressed to Kill” – which Silvestri scores with enjoyable pop-infused elements.  Aside from the dated synths, there’s nothing inherently wrong with Red 2 – it’s just quite dull.  The lack of a killer theme (something Alan Silvestri is usually better at delivering than most) is perhaps understandable; but the fact is that there’s not really anything vaguely memorable here at all.  You hear a lot of the familiar sounds from Silvestri action scores but they never quite develop into anything.

Rating: ** | |

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  1. Jason Farcone (Reply) on Sunday 18 August, 2013 at 02:48

    Since I’m pretty confident nobody gives a crap about this score (and even more confident we -all- love Silvestri), i’m gonna BE LAME.

    And (yeah.. and…..) BECAUSE I”m such an anarchist, gonna post random tripe. Since I used to verbally rape this mystery composer in reviews back in the day (said before — I got an e-mail back in the day from his assistant asking me to tone down the reviews for his scores, as they were too harsh; I think I replied and said “no”, but honestly I don’t even remember if I responded; in hindsight though, I ‘was’ too harsh and mean-spirited, even if half his score albums were boring as sin. POOP. and, I’m pretty sure most the newer generation of film score fans haven’t heard a note by the guy.

    SO I thought I’d just post a cool track I recently re-discovered; it’s almost Zimmer-esque. Too bad Revell pretty much disappeared like THE SAINT, Val Kilmer.